Charging equipment for EVs is no longer an afterthought for businesses.
In fact, industry experts suggest that EV needs are beginning to drive solar uptake and predict that EV-charging requirements could be responsible for thousands of new or up-sized solar systems in 2023 alone.
For businesses looking for a reliable contractor to install EV charging equipment, solar businesses are the natural choice. They offer renewable-energy expertise, deep technical knowledge, and the ability to include EV chargers as part of an integrated solar and storage system installation.
EV market snapshot
- Electric vehicles (battery; plug-in and hybrid) accounted for over half of UK vehicle sales during the first quarter of the year.
- 264,046 EVs sold (+22% YoY vs Q1 2022) – giving EVs market share of 53%.
- Hybrids are the most popular model for UK EV motorists at over 30%.

“The transport sector is now the UK’s largest single source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, rising to over a quarter of the total as emissions from other sectors have fallen.
Ultimately, if the UK is to reach its emissions targets, virtually all transport will need to be based on low carbon energy sources rather than fossil fuels.”
– Jonathan Brearley I CEO I Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
Top 5 reasons businesses are installing EV chargers
- Attracting visitors – EV drivers choose where they go based on the availability of charging stations.
- Customer service – delivering a ‘perk’ to customers can create a competitive edge.
- ESG requirements – supporting a brand’s sustainability values and public perception.
- Talent attraction and retention – staff who drive EVs won’t, in the future, want to work where they can’t plug in!
- Favourable government incentives – there are four main UK Government grant schemes for electric vehicle charging infrastructure at present.
Why Smart Ease is your perfect partner for EV projects
Our fast, fuss-free payment solutions are designed to help forward-thinking businesses acquire the equipment they need today, even if cash flow is a challenge. Smart Ease offers:
- Fast, fuss-free payment solutions
- £0 upfront
- 100% online, low-doc application process
- Competitive interest rates
- Pre-approval for £3k – £150k in 4 minutes!*
Sign up for Smart Hub to stay informed on the latest news and insights, plus access free training, webinars and events!
- SunWiz data, 2023
- EV sales gather momentum – making up over half of UK vehicle sales for Q1 2023 I PWC Website I 2023
- EV sales gather momentum – making up over half of UK vehicle sales for Q1 2023 I PWC Website I 2023
- EV sales gather momentum – making up over half of UK vehicle sales for Q1 2023 I PWC Website I 2023
- Reasons why every business owners should take EV charging station installation into consideration I Blue NRG Business Electricity I 2023
* Subject to credit criteria and approval.