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Installing a commercial solar system on a rental property

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A common complaint we hear from business owners is “I want to install solar and start saving on electricity, but I can’t because I’m only renting.”

But contrary to popular belief, renting your business premises is not a barrier to installing solar. In fact, a large proportion of Smart Ease-funded projects (10,000+ to date!) have actually been on rented properties.

Investing in solar as a tenant is a fairly common, easy and mutually beneficial practice for both tenant and landlord, especially when done via a Smart Ease Payment Plan.

The key to a successful solar installation on a rental property is a friendly conversation with your landlord on what the benefits are.

Key benefits to tenants Key benefits to landlords

1. Reduced energy bills

In fact, we’ve seen businesses save up to 60% on their annual energy bills, resulting in a considerable reduction in OPEX and more capital to reinvest in your business.

1. Increased likelihood of long-term tenancy

With a tenant who’s investing in a solar system, you have peace of mind that they’re invested in staying in your property for the long-term.

2. Reduced grid-dependency

Being able to self-produce a significant portion of your electricity needs means your monthly profits are no longer at the mercy of volatile electricity prices.

2. Increased property value

Solar panels aren’t just a temporary fix—they’re a long-term asset. With a lifespan of 25-30 years, solar installations can significantly boost your property’s market value.

3. Reduced carbon footprint

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword—it’s becoming a core value for customers, employees, and government bodies alike. By going solar, you’re not just saving money; you’re also earning valuable ESG points and showcasing your commitment to a greener future.

3. Attract future sustainability-minded tenants

Sustainability is a major draw for future tenants. A property with an existing solar system is likely to be more attractive to businesses focused on environmental responsibility.

4. Improved cash-flow

Many of our customers find that the savings on their energy bills actually exceed the monthly repayments on their Smart Ease Payment Plan. It’s like getting a solar system for free, with the extra savings adding to your bottom line.

4. No capital outlay

Perhaps best of all, you’re getting all of the benefits for free!
Since you’re not investing in the equipment yourself, you have no financial obligation or liability for the Payment Plan.

5. A win for sustainability

Less carbon emissions mean a healthier planet for everyone. It’s a simple yet powerful way to make a positive impact on the environment.

Key benefits to tenants

1. Reduced energy bills

In fact, we’ve seen businesses save up to 60% on their annual energy bills, resulting in a considerable reduction in OPEX and more capital to reinvest in your business.

2. Reduced grid-dependency

Being able to self-produce a significant portion of your electricity needs means your monthly profits are no longer at the mercy of volatile electricity prices.

3. Reduced carbon footprint

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword—it’s becoming a core value for customers, employees, and government bodies alike. By going solar, you’re not just saving money; you’re also earning valuable ESG points and showcasing your commitment to a greener future.

4. Improved cash-flow

Many of our customers find that the savings on their energy bills actually exceed the monthly repayments on their Smart Ease Payment Plan. It’s like getting a solar system for free, with the extra savings adding to your bottom line.

5. A win for sustainability

Less carbon emissions mean a healthier planet for everyone. It’s a simple yet powerful way to make a positive impact on the environment.

Key benefits to landlords

1. Increased likelihood of long-term tenancy

With a tenant who’s investing in a solar system, you have peace of mind that they’re invested in staying in your property for the long-term.

2. Increased property value

Solar panels aren’t just a temporary fix—they’re a long-term asset. With a lifespan of 25-30 years, solar installations can significantly boost your property’s market value.

3. Attract future sustainability-minded tenants

Sustainability is a major draw for future tenants. A property with an existing solar system is likely to be more attractive to businesses focused on environmental responsibility.

4. No capital outlay

Perhaps best of all, you’re getting all of the benefits for free!
Since you’re not investing in the equipment yourself, you have no financial obligation or liability for the Payment Plan.

5. A win for sustainability

Less carbon emissions mean a healthier planet for everyone. It’s a simple yet powerful way to make a positive impact on the environment.

In our experience, landlords are quite happy to have solar panels installed on their business, especially once they hear what’s to gain. Much like asking to hang a painting on the wall, they just want the courtesy of being informed and to know that you’re not doing damage to the property. In the case of installing solar, you’ll be adding value to the property so the response from your landlord is usually quite positive.

And on the odd chance they’re a little hesitant, you can always put them in touch with a member of our team. Our team at Smart Ease is experienced in navigating these conversations and can provide the expertise needed to make the process smooth and successful.

Start a conversation with Smart Ease and find out how our Payment Plans can help you meet sustainability goals and save on energy costs.